
At least we are being told not only how to spend it, but also how to earn it. The problem, however, is that both parties are setting dead lines for execution which stretch well beyond the next legislature.
The PN puts the arrival date on their time line as 2015, meaning they need two legislatures to deliver, giving them almost uninterrupted tenure of office, stretching 28 years. Labour on the other hand give their dateline delivery year as 2020, meaning they would need three electoral terms to complete the project.
I have nothing against long-term planning. But in a fast changing world it is often of dubious value to make plans stretching so far into the future. The political parties would be more credible if they publish which elements of their plans will get priority for execution within the next legislature, as, after all, the electorate will choose a government for five years. No one should assume re-election down the line.
And of the greatest priority, I hope, would be a very promising initiative in Labour’s document about the City Gate bus terminus. Quoting verbatim this reads: “This project will also include the transfer underground of the City Gate bus terminus …creating a pedestrian area from the
If we do anything, we have to do this project. The present bus terminus and surrounding kiosks are an insult to the World Heritage Site that is
I just returned from
Less appealing is Labour’s proposal to develop the Royal Theatre site into an office building for financial services, to create a financial district in the area comprising the Stock Exchange and the Central Bank.
It makes little sense to load further traffic and parking stress on
The Royal Theatre site ought to be developed into a project which meets the needs of the residents and tourists that daily throng in
Rather than house complete government departments like the Inland Revenue, as Labour propose, this site should embody customer service points of the various government departments and national entities, giving us a single building where people can get a complete service without having to go from east to west and north to south. With Social Services department just across the road, a building servicing passports, ID cards, income tax enquiries and education department services would go a long way in offering a focused service point releasing many other buildings to house more appropriate cultural and commercial activities. I would even tolerate the housing of the parliament building here if it released precious space in the Presidential palace for more appropriate touristic and cultural uses.
Before spreading ourselves too thin in a multitude of projects stretching over several legislatures, we need to focus on the urgent work needed to give
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