13th November 2008
Economists are generally
better at explaining why yesterday’s prediction about today did not get realized
than in making accurate forecasts about tomorrow. That is a health warning
readers would do well to bear in mind.
And whilst in the investment world we generally attach a health warning that past performance is no guarantee to future results in futurology past performance is a good guide for indicating at least the extent of changes to be expected.
The Times of Malta
BPC Future Pointers to celebrate their 50th
And whilst in the investment world we generally attach a health warning that past performance is no guarantee to future results in futurology past performance is a good guide for indicating at least the extent of changes to be expected.
So let me start by
giving a glance back to where we have come from over the last fifty years. Our
economy then was totally dependent on the spending of the military base which
oscillated according to the needs of a disintegrating British Empire. As the
colonial masters were economising on their military spend, economic activity was
getting progressively insufficient for offering employment opportunities to the
growing population. Emigration was the safety valve to keep economic resources
in balance.
If I were writing this
piece 50 years ago would I have been able to predict that mass emigration would
in fact reverse and nowadays we have generated a high degree of economic
activity, totally unrelated to any military spending by a foreign power, to
offer not only full employment for all able bodied who wish to work, but also
offer employment to foreign nationals who come to work here, some legally and
quite a few even illegally? It would have taken a brave man to make such a
What has contributed to
this stratospheric change where more development has occurred in the last 50
years than in all previous millennia of civilisation on this island combined?
Without any doubt it is the people’s will to invest in their own country. Their
belief that irrespective of doubts that could have emerged from research studies
about the sustainability of a micro state in a globalised economy, local
investors believed that this is a place where they can do business and where
foreign investors would be attracted to do business ranging from manufacturing
to tourism, from financial services to real estate development, from logistical
distribution to internet gaming, from ICT to back office operations.
So let it be clear that
I am positive about Malta’s economic potential for the short and for the long
term. We have overcome great challenges over the last 50 years and we will do it
again for the future whatever it may bring.
Even on a global basis I
am confident that none of the end‐of‐the‐world scenarios will
materialise. We will not have an ‘end of oil’ disaster or a crippling
environmental wreck. Humans have adjusted to all challenges and market forces
will ensure that if oil gets short its high price will be the source of
innovation for viable alternatives which over fifty years could possibly make
fossil fuels irrelevant and in the process addressing the problem of carbon
dioxide induced global warming. The only thing which is bigger than man’s
ability to invent is Mother Nature’s and market forces’ ability to correct our
excesses leading to long term sustainability. Mother Nature and market forces
are bigger than us and as in the past they will step in to save us from
ourselves by forcing upon us painful but temporary corrective measures along the
What will this place
look like in the year 2058 depends mostly on us. But who will be the ‘us’
of 2058?
There is every
likelihood that we would be a much more mixed population where the traditional
Maltese race (there is no pure Maltese race as we are ourselves a result of mix
of the various civilisations of our ancestors) will be sprinkled with a high
percentage of new Maltese nationals with foreign blood in their veins be they
African immigrants or European nationals opting to domicile themselves in what
is to me one of the most comfortable places to live on this earth.
This dilution to our
traditional composition will be a severe threat to the only factor which has so
far distinguished us amongst all people of the world i.e. our language. As we
continue to make investments to protect our physical heritage, which is itself a
great economic asset that generates substantial economic activity mostly through
tourism, we have to be very vigilant to protect the soft heritage of our
national language by keeping it a crucial part of our curriculum and by
promoting its continued usage in everyday life.
Another probable feature
of the ‘us’ of 2058 is that we will be much older on average mostly as a result
of extension of life into triple digits years. Aubrey de Grey, a bio‐gerontologist at
Cambridge University maintains that the first person who will live forever is
probably already alive. Such predictions may be mere fantasy but de Grey firmly
asserts that the laws of probabilities indicate that medical breakthroughs in
discovering the composition of our genes will in the next decades put humans in
an ability to slow, stall or even reverse the aging process of the human
Irrespective of whether
de Grey is a day dreamer or not, there is no doubt that longevity is an
accelerating reality. We have extended average longevity by some twenty years
over the last fifty years and probably can do better than that in the next
This will have grave
economic consequences and will change the way we live in a manner that is
presently unimaginable. Very probably the present concept of retiring on pension
will gradually disappear. Longevity will make current pension arrangements
unsustainable or irrelevant in quantum terms thus forcing people to continue
working indefinitely for as long as their health permits. As work will be much
more brain intensive requiring little or no physical effort and offering
flexibility on the location where employee services have to be imparted (most
employees will be able to work from their own home without having to attend the
office regularly) working until death could well be the norm fifty years down
the road. It will not be punitive. It may well be fun and the only way to keep
up a comfortable lifestyle for forty or fifty years beyond current retirement
An average life in
triple digits will bring a metamorphosis of change in the lifestyle of all age
groups. Youth will be extended well in the thirties so it is quite probable that
‘youngsters’ will settle into marriage much later in life than is the current
practice so that parenthood in the forties could well become the
Enjoying a much longer
youth will generate explosive demand for the things that youths normally consume
with particular emphasis on entertainment, travel, personal hygiene and fashion
clothing. Brand building will continue to be paramount given youth’s preference
for recognition through brands.
Reaching parenthood
beyond age forty will obviously mean that families will continue to get smaller
with one child becoming the rule and two children more and more the exception.
This will help to keep population in check at current levels as the extension in
longevity will be compensated by slower inputs from reduced births. This will
make currently frowned upon immigration an economic necessity in order to have
the enough labour resources for the jobs needed to sustain the high economic
development necessary to sustain our standard of living aspirations.
What is not clear is
from where the immigrants would be coming from. I expect that Africa will
undergo a huge economic revolution in the next fifty years. It is ripe for
development, rich as it is in natural resources in a world which is continually
demanding more and more from nature. If this were to happen the flow of African
immigration could stop or indeed reverse as has been the experience with
immigration from Eastern European countries since they were integrated into the
EU. Could it be that our guest workers of 2058, rather that economic immigrants
seeking to avoid war and hunger in their native country, would be
life‐style immigrants who
seek a better life in a small Mediterranean island rather than in a sombre and
soulless European metropolis?
Smaller families demand
smaller homes and the current trend of switching from villas to apartments will
continue unabated and the 90 sq metre apartment will become the norm as property
prices and environmental need to control urban sprawl will force our successors
to continue to develop vertically. So whilst the sector could presently be
undergoing a plateau of no growth or outright retraction, caused by
over‐development leading to
temporary over‐supply, the long term
trend for higher real estate values remains intact.
How would we be earning
our living fifty years hence? If we have to remain competitive and sustain an
ever improving living standard we have to continue moving up the technology
scale performing brain intensive, high value added activities. Consequently I
would say that manufacturing would be largely wiped out and instead we would be
competitive in research and development activities supporting manufacturing
which would be generally executed in Africa which would be the cheapest location
and close to availability of raw materials.
Our strategic location
will make our logistics services very competitive and very much in demand where
our Freeport services will continue to grow with additional services which will
encompass most of the southern harbour extending beyond B’Bugia into Marsaxlokk
and Marsaskala.
Tourism and leisure
services will remain our mainstay. It will be different tourism though. If we
invest wisely in the MALTA brand without expecting instant results but
consistently building our long term image we could become an all year round
location. Cruise tourism will become much more important forcing us to extend
the whole Grand and Marsamxett harbours to support cruise liner visits. The
development of populous Asia will create a much higher flow of Chinese, Indian,
and what have you Asian tourists to visit the old continent and quite a few of
them will tour the Mediterranean via a cruise holiday. Our objective should
remain that of acting as head station for the cruise line operators making it
easier for cruise passengers to extend their stay amongst us before or after the
To achieve our tourist
potential we will need much more quality accommodation which becomes
economically feasible given the all year nature of the tourism we will be
attracting. I think we will see outer Valletta and Floriana as particularly
suitable for the next concentration of quality hotels given the superb scenery
they get over our two city harbours. Boutique hotels in Valletta and the three
cities will also flourish mainly owner managed by members of the owner
ICT and financial
services will replace manufacturing and government services as the other two
main pillars of our economy. Our ability to tap into niches by adapting flexibly
to the needs of international investors will give us the momentum to attract big
names in the ICT and financial world to do international business from our
island especially as we can act as their base for penetrating the growing
African economies.
Education will develop
into an important industry on its own even serving international clientele. We
will extend our success in the teaching of English to other areas.
Life‐long working needs
continuous retraining to ensure workers keep abreast of wave after wave of
technological development which will continue to hit us more frequently with
shorter intervals.
What are the risks to
this scenario? Being an optimist I see the risks as unavoidable hiccups to
overcome on the 50 year journey but which will not deflect the general trend
towards a prosperous destination. Certainly there will be geo‐political problems and
threats of terrorism but I fell that economic inter‐dependence will make it
unlikely that the world could see major international hostilities as experienced
in the troubled first half of the 20th century.
I see that Russia,
squeezed as it is by the USA on one side and a more powerful and assertive China
on the other side, and extremely dependent as it is on energy exports which
render it gravely exposed to technological breakthroughs for energy
alternatives, will gradually realize that its future is better served by
integration within the European dream which will thus extend to Urals and
beyond, integrating all former soviet republics and Balkan countries right up
the Turkish borders of Iraq into a much looser EU where members will have
flexibility to opt in and out of certain arrangements outside the basic
compulsiveness of the single market.
The world will be
multi‐polar with the US ,
Europe and China sharing world political power and vying for influence in the
African continent which will become the basic theme of the 21st century. The
time for Africa has come and the impetus will start from the FIFA World Cup in
South Africa in 2010 which will be followed up by hosting of other international
mass exposure activities in the following decades.
India could also be
tempted to export their influence westwards to establish their influence in a
Middle East which will however be void of the strategic importance it currently
has if it loses its oil export dominance.
So many things could
change over 50 years. I would probably not need to tap this onto my PC if I were
to live till then. We will probably have computers that can read the mind and
robots that can run our households. But one thing will not change. The need to
eat drink and enjoy leisure will remain. So let’s take the next fifty years day
by day with a good meal, a fine glass of wine and enjoyment all the
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