This article was published in The Malta Independent on Sunday - 06 10 2013
It had to be the
skill and moral authority of outgoing President Napolitano to force the party
leaders, Berlusconi and Bersani, to move aside and appoint Letta as Prime
Minister. Letta comes from the DP on the
left but had family members well-known and commanding the confidence of
Berlusconi. This helped to secure a
fragile coalition which needed Napolitano to offer himself for re-election as
Italy’s President in spite of his age.
Napolitano was considered the only voice that could bring stability in a
very volatile political environment where the only deterrence against chaos
that would lead to fresh elections, was the fear that the electorates would
chastise the traditional party and protest vote to elect comedians and
Prime Minister
Letta was doing a good job against all odds. Last week he was in New York using
his presence for the UN Meeting promoting
Italy’s credentials for foreign investments. But Berlusconi wanted to
show who was really in charge.
Faced with a
final judgement guilty of fraud and tax evasion, Berlusconi was facing the real
prospect of being booted out of the Senate and being stripped of civil rights
to vote and contest elections. In a clear demonstration that for Berlusconi
private interest come before the sovereign safeguards, he pulled the plug on
the Letta government and ordered ‘his ministers’ to resign from Cabinet and his
delegates to resign from parliament.
It was a
shocking move as no one ever thought that Berlusconi would be as daring as to
create enough political chaos to render the country ungovernable merely to
protect his own skin. He further made
several public outbursts accusing Napolitano and Letta as forming part of grand
devious scheme to push him out of politics.
It would not be
bad at all if there are controls to ensure that owners of capital and resources
do not use their wealth and connections to gain political power to protect
their patrimony rather than the general good of the country. But in
Berlusconi’s case he was found guilty by several layers of the Italian court
system after all possible appeals failed.
It is convenient for Berlusconi to protest the political partiality of
the judiciary but arguing that the Italian court system is from top to bottom a
front for left wing politics is an insult to intelligence.
From a gallant
kamikaze on Sunday Berlusconi was tamed into an unashamed waverer by Wednesday
when the Italians could not believe their eyes seeing Berlusconi voting
confidence in a government that he brought down in the first place.
Numbers were the
source of Berlusconi’s mega shift. When
a sizeable portion of his troops, including the five ministers that were forced
to resign from cabinet, made it clear that they will put the country’s interest
before Berlusconi’s and if necessary breakaway to form a new moderate
centre-right party, Berlusconi was disarmed.
A similar fate
awaits the GOP ( Grand Old Part – Republican Party) in the US. Their fundamentalism against Obama’s health
care initiative to make it accessible to the lower strata of society, coupled
with their dislike of Obama personally, is forcing the GOP to jeopardise the
country’s interest and reputation to satisfy their obsessions.
continuing funding for government operations conditional on de-funding for
Obama’s health care signature legislation has forced the US government on life
support. Threatening not to raise the
debt ceiling, normally a pure administrative measure to make it possible to
fund budgets already approved, could force total government shutdown, including
essential services and possibly even defaulting on America’s debt, reducing the
US to the leagues of Argentina, Greece,
Jamaica and Bolivia.
As public
opinion turns against the GOP in disgust of their abuse of democratic power,
moderate elements within the GOP will like Berlusconi read the numbers and
force the leadership to side-line the Tea Party extreme elements to bring back
America to normal civilisation.
And what has
Simon got to do in all of this? Dr
Busuttil’s walk-out of parliament this week purely because a Speaker’s ruling
did not go his way, is a small example of the my-way-or-the-highway
attitude of Berlusconi and the GOP.
But in the PN’s
case Simon Busuttil does not even have the political levers to force his
points. Making showdowns is not the way
to advance in modern politics. He can
of course disagree with the Speaker’s ruling, he can protest and argue against
it, but walking out of parliament is childish and counter-productive.
Dr Busuttil
would do himself and his party a great favour if he is more concrete and
factual in his criticism. He is
entitled to express suspicions, but suspicions are no proof. Assertions do not make facts. He has all the right to disagree with
decisions taken by appointed executives, including the Commissioner of Police,
but extending this to assertions of
interference by the Prime Minister needs proof, not mere suspicions.
Busuttil should
not imitate Berlusconi or the GOP’s style of leadership. Rather than showdowns to assert his
authority on the Party he would be well advised to work quietly to build and strengthen
the Party’s weakened internal structures before starting to play gallery games.
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