This articles was published in the The Malta Independent on Sunday 9th September

That election of 5th September 1998 had brought
to a premature end the solid mandate Alfred Sant had won for Labour in 1996 and
brought to power the present PN
government for three consecutive terms which seem to be drawing to an end as we
approach elections.
The Prime Minister discretely celebrated this anniversary
when he gave an impressive speech to the EPP political group stressing that in
politics values must come before votes.
The problem, as Obama is finding out as he struggles for re-election in
the US presidential campaign, is that great speeches without concrete action
don’t impress, they don’t deliver the bacon, they keep the electorate asking
where the beef is.
In 1998 Alfred Sant gave the most tangible demonstration
that for serious politicians who see their role as a mission to improve the
lives of their people, values must come before votes. When it was clear that his majority in
parliament was conditional and unstable, he put aside all calculations of risks
to his own political career and restored the mandate to the people.
It is hard to reconcile Lawrence Gonzi’s assertion of values
before votes with his action when faced with a similar or worse situation of
parliamentary instability. Rather than
adopt Alfred Sant’s gentlemanly way out and restore the mandate to the people,
he actually mocked Alfred Sant for taking such route and in fact and in deed is
still doing whatever it takes to hang on to power even though shorn of a
parliamentary majority. Can anyone
honestly believe that in so doing the Prime Minister is putting values before
votes? To me and to whoever has eyes
to see it appears that for the PN, votes and power come before everything else,
even before the interest of the country and the parliamentary stability needed
to safeguard it.
The Prime Minister remains in denial of what is obvious to
all. Not only he has no parliamentary
majority but he cannot even rely on the vote of all the 34 MP’s that put
government on the same count as the Opposition in parliament.
It would seem inevitable that circumstances will soon eject
government out of its denial suite.
Parliament is due to be recalled on 1st October and without a
majority and rebel MP calling votes of confidence and controversial private
motions, government will find it inevitable to go for elections this fall,
probably in the first half of November before presenting a Budget for 2013, or
at least without voting on it after its presentation.
Equally in denial is the Minister of Finance. This week he had Moody’s pulling his ears for
strong evidence that government finances are suffering serious fiscal slippage
during 2012, a typical performance in an election year when governments throw
fiscal caution to the wind and try to spend their way to re-election.
Moody’s warning is well placed and supported by NSO data for
government finances for the seven months to July 2012. The deficit, rather than narrowing compared
to the same period of 2011 ( so as to even out seasonality in the flow of
government revenue) widened by 40% from Euro 238 million to Euro 333
million. The Prime Minister and the
Minister of Finance assurances that the performance in the last five months
will recover lost ground so that government will hit the projected deficit of
2.3% of the GDP seem to have impressed no one, certainly not Moody’s. Indeed the Minister of Finance seem to have
not even convinced himself. Soon after
Moody’s report he changed his tune somewhat, saying though we might not hit the
2.3% deficit we will certainly stay within 3%.
To stay within 3% of the GDP the end-of-year deficit has to
reduce to about EUR 195 million meaning that in the last five months of 2012
the government will have to register a surplus of some EUR 140 million. Is this realistic?
It is true that government revenue flows are much stronger
in the last five months not least because this period captures two instalments
of provisional tax payments in August and in December where the bulk of the
annual tax payments fall due. But taking
the performance of the last three years 2009 -2011 the average surplus for the
August to December period amounted to EUR 45 million.
So even to hit the shifting target of 3% of the GDP ( which
in itself involves a deficit increase of EUR 45 million over the original
projection in the 2012 Budget Estimate) it would require that this year during
the five months August to December government will generate a surplus more than three times
higher the average surplus for the same period in the last three years. This leaves me with no doubt that the Minister
is either living in denial or that knowing that he will not be presenting a
budget before the election it is safe to take risks with assertions that will
only be tested after he is gone.
The only way that the Minister can come anywhere close to
the revised 3% deficit figure is by leaving a tray full of unpaid invoices for
his successor.
For me the deficit was never below three percent and will
not be for quite some time. Enemalta
remains a serious deficit hole. Up to
last year Enemalta was hiding the government deficit by transferring the
shortfall on its books which was then borrowed commercially against government
guarantee. This year Enemalta has run
out of its borrowing capacity even with government guarantees and all. The tide is turning. Enemalta does not even have enough liquidity
to pay the excise duty and government is having to extend temporary loans or grants to keep it
afloat. This explains a good part of
deterioration in government financing this year which before was being buried
in Enemalta’s books and is now
resurfacing on central government accounts.
Enemalta is a wholly owned state enterprise. It capacity to raise revenues by charging higher
utility rates is very limited by the political implications involved. It has a massive capex budget yet to finance
and banks have turned on the screws on its borrowing.
Measuring government deficit and debt without consolidating
Enemalta’s position gives a very incomplete picture. Whoever gets elected will face the Enemalta
problem in the urgent tray. A blue
print for a long term plan on how to restore Enemalta to health can be found in
my contribution in this series of 11th March 2012 titled ‘A dockyard
in the making’. In solving Enemalta’s
problem, values need to come before votes.
This is unusual in the run up to an election.
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