Monday 17 December 2012

Playing hide and seek

Political parties should have stopped political activities for the Christmas period to re-start with a full 9 week election campaign on the 7th January 2012.

So I am a bit confused watching the news that Minister Pullicino today held a press conference to launch a national energy policy and Minister Fenech went to inaugurate the new Air Malta offices and take credit for the progress being registered in the restructuring process of Air Malta.

This is playing political hide and seek - 'noli' in pure Maltese language.   If the PN will keep political activities going in the form of Ministerial interventions they cannot expect the PL to keep receiving without hitting back.

A national energy policy now after 25 years in government which kept us the only EU country solely dependant on fossil fuels for energy generation??  Now when parliament is for intents and purposes practically dissolved??

Minister Pullicino had better explain the criticism raised against his Ministry in the Auditor General Report for 2011 just published.  Launching a national energy policy at this stage made me shout the only two text abbreviation lingo I learned OMG  LOL !!!

1 comment:

  1. Ahseb u ara repeat ta' Xarabank in prime time this eve.
