Saturday, 30 June 2001

Double Dip in Mediocrity

The Times of Malta

The Drydocks cannot afford to lose work on navy ships if it is to remain viable`. This stark declaration by the Minister responsible for the Drydocks comes from the same government that pretends that as members of the EU we can use our veto to protect our neutrality and sovereignty as the EU continues to evolve into a central political project.

If incompetent economic management has rendered it economically imperative for Malta to interpret imaginatively the constitution`s neutrality provisions and accept military repair work for its shipyards, how can anyone take seriously the claim that we would be able to defend our sovereignty in the context of membership`

I reluctantly agree that Drydocks should accept military work for as long as it is a burden on our exchequer. A prostitute can hardly refuse to perform for as long as it depends on its pimp for its daily bread. But I equally look forward to serious economic management including a re-structured Drydocks which becomes economically viable and which would respect the true spirit and letter of the constitution.

What a shame that this country has economically been forced on its knees unable to refuse to prostitute itself politically. And all this for a mere one or two million liri from contracts similar to the La Salle.

Compare this to the economically irresponsible way the government privatised Mid-Med Bank. Only last week the Czech Republic concluded a bidding process for privatisation of the its third largest bank, Komercni Banka. Societe` Generale of France outbid Unicredito Italiano in the final phase.` It paid 3.2 times the book value.` Compare this to the 1.53 times the book value which the government got for Malta`s largest Bank without undertaking a bidding process.`

This is a further proof that Mid-Med bank was sold at half price and Malta lost some Lm70 million in the process.` This is equivalent to some Lm5 million a year in additional interest charges. Not even three La Salle`s each year would be enough to make up for this annual loss.` Sometimes I suspect that this is all part of a devious plan to bring the country on its knees to force it to divest its sovereignty.

And to add insult to injury the Prime Minister tries to take a double dip in mediocrity by bringing to parliament a motion to approve that Drydocks can take more military contracts irrespective of the provisions of the constitution. Parliament is being asked to approve that the prostitute has to continue abiding by the will of its pimp.

Malta`s economy is jamming to a halt. Investment has run dry, exports are falling flat, tourism has lost its growth trail, cash flow is just not flowing, profitability has disappeared in most economic sectors, reduced demand has developed into serious over-capacity, our infrastructure is exposing serious bottlenecks, government finances are getting worse in spite of extracting more taxes from the private sector. In spite of these serious problems the government gives priority to debating a divisive issue in parliament meant to insult the prostitute for being forced to practice its unsavoury profession. Why not debate the waste mountain we are being buried under Why not debate that in peak summer we cannot enjoy our once clear now polluted sea.

It is clear that government is seeking short term political gains at the expense of the real needs of the country. Last week this mediocrity was crowned with new heights. The transitory seven year concession for limited control over the influx of foreign workers was depicted as a great political achievement. And it could well be so if measured by the standards of those willing to dissolve our national sovereignty into the EU political project.

But for those of us who proudly want to` keep options open rather than force our country into the straight-jacket of EU membership as quickly as possible whatever the cost or the consequences, it is a` humiliation seeing our leaders being jubilant for getting a temporary respite to continue doing, in part,` what we have been doing by the sovereign decision of our parliament.

Whilst my heart bleeds seeing Malta subjected to a double dip in mediocrity I reserve jubilation for when we can negotiate an agreement with the EU meant to suit our reality and which would help us address the lethargy with which the real issues which effect our everyday life are being neglected by this non-government.

Alfred Mifsud

Double Dip in Mediocrity

The Times of Malta

The Drydocks cannot afford to lose work on navy ships if it is to remain viable`. This stark declaration by the Minister responsible for the Drydocks comes from the same government that pretends that as members of the EU we can use our veto to protect our neutrality and sovereignty as the EU continues to evolve into a central political project.

If incompetent economic management has rendered it economically imperative for Malta to interpret imaginatively the constitution`s neutrality provisions and accept military repair work for its shipyards, how can anyone take seriously the claim that we would be able to defend our sovereignty in the context of membership`

I reluctantly agree that Drydocks should accept military work for as long as it is a burden on our exchequer. A prostitute can hardly refuse to perform for as long as it depends on its pimp for its daily bread. But I equally look forward to serious economic management including a re-structured Drydocks which becomes economically viable and which would respect the true spirit and letter of the constitution.

What a shame that this country has economically been forced on its knees unable to refuse to prostitute itself politically. And all this for a mere one or two million liri from contracts similar to the La Salle.

Compare this to the economically irresponsible way the government privatised Mid-Med Bank. Only last week the Czech Republic concluded a bidding process for privatisation of the its third largest bank, Komercni Banka. Societe` Generale of France outbid Unicredito Italiano in the final phase.` It paid 3.2 times the book value.` Compare this to the 1.53 times the book value which the government got for Malta`s largest Bank without undertaking a bidding process.`

This is a further proof that Mid-Med bank was sold at half price and Malta lost some Lm70 million in the process.` This is equivalent to some Lm5 million a year in additional interest charges. Not even three La Salle`s each year would be enough to make up for this annual loss.` Sometimes I suspect that this is all part of a devious plan to bring the country on its knees to force it to divest its sovereignty.

And to add insult to injury the Prime Minister tries to take a double dip in mediocrity by bringing to parliament a motion to approve that Drydocks can take more military contracts irrespective of the provisions of the constitution. Parliament is being asked to approve that the prostitute has to continue abiding by the will of its pimp.

Malta`s economy is jamming to a halt. Investment has run dry, exports are falling flat, tourism has lost its growth trail, cash flow is just not flowing, profitability has disappeared in most economic sectors, reduced demand has developed into serious over-capacity, our infrastructure is exposing serious bottlenecks, government finances are getting worse in spite of extracting more taxes from the private sector. In spite of these serious problems the government gives priority to debating a divisive issue in parliament meant to insult the prostitute for being forced to practice its unsavoury profession. Why not debate the waste mountain we are being buried under Why not debate that in peak summer we cannot enjoy our once clear now polluted sea.

It is clear that government is seeking short term political gains at the expense of the real needs of the country. Last week this mediocrity was crowned with new heights. The transitory seven year concession for limited control over the influx of foreign workers was depicted as a great political achievement. And it could well be so if measured by the standards of those willing to dissolve our national sovereignty into the EU political project.

But for those of us who proudly want to` keep options open rather than force our country into the straight-jacket of EU membership as quickly as possible whatever the cost or the consequences, it is a` humiliation seeing our leaders being jubilant for getting a temporary respite to continue doing, in part,` what we have been doing by the sovereign decision of our parliament.

Whilst my heart bleeds seeing Malta subjected to a double dip in mediocrity I reserve jubilation for when we can negotiate an agreement with the EU meant to suit our reality and which would help us address the lethargy with which the real issues which effect our everyday life are being neglected by this non-government.

Alfred Mifsud

Double Dip in Mediocrity

The Times of Malta

Friday, 29 June 2001

Assertion is no proof!

The Malta Independent

Assertion is no proof

As the number of undecided` falls, the pro and anti EU membership factions are pitted neck to neck .`

I draw two reflections. This division does not augur well for the taking of an irreversible decision which is expected to last eternity. Secondly the pro-EU faction is hardly keeping up with the anti `EU membership campaign whose basic` means of communication` are the MLP media which I have the honour to chair, totally funded by commercial revenues. Compare this to the publicly and generously` funded government `information` campaign.

The pro-EU campaign seems to be shifting from persuasion to assertion to sustain` its case. But assertion is no proof. Quite the contrary,` often assertion is used when the argument cannot be delivered by reasoning and persuasion.` Assertion and reason are often inversely related.

So we are hearing myths from the pro-EU camp. The last one is that Labour`s position against Malta`s membership is weakening the government`s negotiating position. Quite the contrary! If anything, Labour`s position should strengthen the government`s negotiating hand in getting concessions which would make the final package more appetising.` `Probably, this is hedging to continue blaming Alfred Sant and Co for rain, shine and in-between.

A long standing myth is the assertion that Labour Swiss model is unreal, cannot deliver the bacon and is a road leading to nowhere. It is presented as a sort of membership a la carte which visiting foreign dignitaries quickly write-off as a figment of Sant`s imagaination. .

Labour`s Swiss model is realistic and practical. It is certainly no membership a la carte.` It is underpinned by two major pillars of reasoning.` The political pillar is that as a small country with strategic importance much greater than our size, we must preserve this` negotiating card permanently close to our chest rather that give up this only edge which has stood us well in international relations. If we let our country get dissolved into a much larger political project in time we would be relegated to an outlandish region not in control of its international standing.`

The economic pillar is that we must use our smallness to our advantage and move with agility to position ourselves slightly different from our much larger neighbours whilst keeping open the access to their markets through a bilateral agreement for a free trade area (which should` in no way prohibits us from entering into free trade agreements with other economic zones).` We must not allow ourselves to have to beg for derogations purely to keep doing what we are already doing.

On these two pillars Labour`s Swiss model can deliver wealth and prosperity founded on preservation of our sovereignty. It can deliver economic comfort and political pride. Rather than bad mouth it, critics should make some effort to understand it.

Sunday, 24 June 2001

Rajna f'idejna

Il-Kullhadd Rajna f`idejna

Aktar ma n-Nazzjonalisti jaghmlu sforzi biex ipengu l-poltika ta` Svizzera fil-Mediterran bhala xi holma bla sens, aktar ma jigu emmisarji minn barra jghidulna kemm jaqbel li nahslu wiccna ha nidhru isbah, aktar in-nies qed jemmnu li l-poltika tal-partit laburista hija l-aktar` wahda addattata ghalina.

Biex ifiehem il-politika tieghu il-partit laburista dejjem kien zvantaggat. Zvantaggat ghax tista tghid wahdu qed jiggieled kontra baraxx ta` pubblicita u informazzjoni mil-gvern li dejjem lest ipingi is-shubija ta` Malta fl-UE bl-isbah kuluri. Ghandek lil Ministri, lill-TVM lill-Net lill-MIC il-gazzetti bl-ingliz kollha dejjem lesti biex jippumpjaw il-politika ta` shubija ta` Malta fl-UE u joskuraw jekk mhux ukoll jirredikolaw il-poltika ta Svizzera fil-Meditterran.

Zvantaggat ghax fil-waqt li l-shubija fl-UE tigi mpengija li se tatina dritt daqs il-Germanizi u l-Francizi l-politka ta` Svizzera fil-Mediterran tigi mpengija bhal holma li thallina barra fil-ksieh mid-dar shuna ta` EU.

Minkejja dan il-Maltin qed jifhmu u fil-maggioranza taghhom jaghzlu l-politika ta` Svizzera fil-Meditterran. Dan huwa fil-linja ta` dak li gara fid-Danimarka u fl-Irlanda fejn minkejja li l-poplu kien ibbumbardjat mil-politici u mill-establishment biex jivvota favur in-nies ghazlu mod iehor.

Hu mhux biss in-nies qed jaghzlu l-politika ta` Svizzera fil-Mediterran bhala superjuri u aktar addatata ghac-cirkostanzi ta` pajjizna, izda qed jifhmu ghaliex u jispjegaw dan fi kliemhom stess. U wahda mill-aktar frazijiet li qed taqbad biex tispjega is-superjorita` tal-politika laburista fuq dik tal-gvern nazzjonalista hija rajna f`idejna.

Permezz tal-politika laburista Svizzera fil-Mediterran il-poplu Malti jizgura li sa fejn huwa possibbli f`dinja globali u ekonomikament interdipendenti ahna nibqghu kif ahna llum, b`rajna f`idejna. Dak li ksibna bl-indipendenza u bil-helsien nibqghu nipprezervawh.` Dan ma jfisserx li nibqghu wahedna fil-bard jew fil-ksieh. Bil-kuntrarju.` Ifisser li nkunu hbieb ma kullhadd u nikkummercjaw ma kullhadd bla ma ntellghu barrieri ghal pajjizi terzi kif iggeghlna naghmlu il-politka ta` shubija fl-UE.

Ifisser li jkollna kontroll shih fuq il-politka ta` newtralita` u ta` difiza ta` pajjizna u mhux nidhlu f`organizzazzjoni li tista` ghal bidu thallik topera dawn b`mod awtonomu izda li bid-dikjarar hija mixhuta biex maz-zmien issir ghaqda poltika fejn il-poltika barranija u ta` difiza jkunu decizi b`mod centrali u mhux mill-parlament u mill-poplu malti.

Tant din il-poltika ta` rajna f`idejna kif ahna llum qed tinftiehem li n-nazzjonalisti qed jifthu fronti mqanzha biex jispjegaw li anke permezz ta` shubija ahna nzommu rajna f`idejna.

Izda l-fatti huma xorta ohra. Kif tista` tghid li se zzomm rajk f`idejk jekk fil-Kunsill tal-Ministri Malta jkollha biss tlett voti minn 350` Kif tista` tghid li se nzommu rajna f`idejna meta l-Kummissjoni qed tippressa biex id-decizjonijiet kollha fil-Kunsill tal-Ministru jittiehdu b`moggoranza relattiva u ma jifdalx izjed materji rizervati ghal kunsensus` Kif tista tghid li se jkollna rajna f`idejna jekk se jkollna biss 4 membri fil-parlament ewropew minn 730 membru`

In-nazzjonalista jghidu l-aqwa li nkunu madwar il-mejda fejn jittiehdu d-decizjonijiet. Meta nkunu madwar mejda bin-numri kif disinjati f`Nizza u kif ghad iridu jinbidlu r-regoli fl-Inter Governmental Conference` msejjha ghas-sena 2004 il-Maltin` li jkun hemm jieklu ikel u xorb daqs haddiehor. Izda meta jigu ghal voti in-numri jghoddi. U l-poplu Malti li li ma jkunx madwar il-mejda ha jiekol u jixrob u jippoza ghar-ritratti mal-kbarat ikollu jsofri bil-kwiet id-djufija tan-numri li joffri c-cokon ta` pajjizna.

Decizjoni ta` shubija fl-UE hija decizjoni eterna. L-ebda pajjiz li dahal qatt ma hareg avolja hemm pajjizi li jafu li l-elettorat jekk jinghata cans jivvota kontra. It-triq hija wahda irriversibbli. Dak li tivvota ghalih jinbidel bla qatt ma jistqsuk mill-gdid jekk taqbilx jew le. U meta f`xi kaz rari jistaqsuk u tghid li ma taqbilx jaghmlulek bhal ma qed jaghmlu lill-Irlanda u jghidu dawk zghar mhux ser noqghodu ninkwetaw fuqhom ghax b`xi mod ingibuhom jaqblu.

Il-poplu Malti ghad lanqas ilu 40 sena b`rajh f`idejh u dawn kienu l-aktar 40 sena ekonomimakent felici ghal pajjizna. Bid-difetti kollha taghna morna `l quddiem u flok nesportaw il-haddiema issa ngibuhom lura.` Dan kollu ghax kellna rajna f`idejna.

Rjan f`idejna hija t-tifsira popolari tal-politika laburista ta` Svizzera fil-Mediterran.

Friday, 22 June 2001


The Malta Independent

Post Gothenburg

The ball is in your court was the apt remark of EU Commission President Prodi when Maltese journalist quizzed him on Malta`s prospects for membership accession. Indeed it is.

Gothenburg proved that smaller nations can handle` delicate EU summits much better than larger members whose very weight denies them the credentials` of fair deal-makers. It has also proved that despite the setback of the Irish referendum, the enlargement process is not de-railed. On the contrary, it is quite probable that` the Irish negative referendum vote was a stimulant for the strong signal from Gothenburg about the political will behind the enlargement process.

What has actually Gothenburg told aspiring members Whilst not setting a fixed date for enlargement it came close to it. For those candidate countries who finish negotiations by 2002 enlargement could take place in 2004. The wording `participate as members` in the June 2004` European parliamentary elections is purposely ambiguous. It could mean that candidates become members before and so participate as fully fledged members in the EP elections. It could also mean that they participate in such elections as other members and than their elected representatives would take their seat when their countries actually accede to membership which could well be after June 2004.

The big question is how likely is it for negotiations to be concluded by end 2002` This is not impossible but quite tough.` It is unlikely that the compromises necessary related to the agricultural sector can be made before the French` presidential elections due in summer 2002 and the` German parliamentary elections due shortly thereafter.` It will leave the last quarter of 2002 to perform the tough negotiations with full vigour.` It will always` be subject to continuity being guaranteed by having familiar faces elected in France and Germany who can` into the thick of negotiations immediately after their domestic elections victories. And all this depends on the EU managing to persuade the Irish to change their mind about the Nice Treaty by the end of 2002.

And where does post Gothenburg leave Malta as an applicant country` It is now unquestionable that Malta will not accede to membership during this legislature. Prodi`s urging us, as a nation,` to make up our mind whether we want membership or not,` is a clear appeal to sort out this matter domestically before proceeding to negotiating the tough chapters in 2002. The referendum is no solution.` Firstly it can only be undertaken after the negotiations are concluded so at best the referendum will have to take place in 2003. Secondly` parliament has in any event to be dissolved by November 2003 so the referendum will not be binding as it could be overturned by a different electoral mandate a few months later.

Given this situation there is only one solution which can address this issue in a definitive matter and remove the uncertainty we have been going through. It is the only solution that can ensure that we don`t just waste two more years of this country`s life on a road leading to nowhere.

Small wonder that talk of a general election within the next 12 months is getting more credible. It is very much in the country`s interest to give it a definite sense of direction.

Sunday, 17 June 2001

Irish blessing

The Malta Independent on Sunday Irish blessing

The Irish rejection of the Nice Treaty could be a blessing for EU and applicant countries` in general and for Malta in particular.

It ought to send the EU`s enlargement project back to drawing board for re-design. It should send the message to the large countries that dominated Nice that they cannot have the cake and eat it. Pretending that through enlargement each country will preserve its sovereignty` whilst the big countries keep throwing up blue-prints versions of institutional arrangements ranging from federal, con-federal or loose inter-governmental union is just not on.

For Malta the Irish rejection should delay the enlargement process, making a risky pre-mature referendum during this legislature much less likely.

It is time for European leaders to look reality in the face. The next enlargement of the EU is like no other. It is a political project that will thoroughly overhaul the strategic landscape of the whole continent. This cannot be decided in a mode substantially detached from its people. It needs a wide preparatory campaign to explain the importance of the project to people of countries that` are already in, `as much as to those of countries that are aspiring to enter. It needs transparency and conviction that it can only be sustainable if based on sound democratic foundations and not on the Nice-style imposition of the big countries` stamping their will on the nascent world power.

Domestically our leaders have to come to terms with the reality of our being a small island nation in the southern periphery of the continent and we ought not to be rushed into an unknown quantity which is still taking shape and form.` No personal agenda of any leader must be allowed to dictate the time-frames for going about our European vocation.

The Irish rejection need not de-rail the enlargement project. But it clearly slows it down to permit the creation of the necessary` awareness of the project benefits at the granular level inside the EU. It needs thorough reform of the institutions before serious talks about enlargement with candidate countries can come to sustainable fruition.

Nice has shown that the next enlargement cannot be driven by countries with vested interest to protect their influence. It must be driven by a Commission commanding the democratic credentials it presently lacks.` Rather than having the Commission sidelined as it was at Nice,` the Commission must earn its democratic respect to be in a position to force member countries into making sustainable and sensible compromises.

Which means that sooner or later it has to be accepted that the simultaneous widening and deepening of the EU is elusive and unattainable. The EU must offer prospective members flexibility to move towards membership at their own steam respecting the realities in their particular countries.`

Such a flexible approach, whilst delaying the integration to much longer time-scales, will ensure that the head that runs the EU never gets detached from the body of peoples that compose the EU.

The Irish rejection did not over-joy me for seeing another obstacle on the road to enlargement. In the end enlargement and integration of the European continent is very much in Malta`s own interest.` But it gave me satisfaction that the country which is often referred to as the role-model within the EU told them what it thinks of the Nice Treaty in no uncertain terms.

And those European Leaders and Commissioners who pretend that the Irish rejection is a non-event, that the Irish can` be forced to accept the Treaty without any serious re-negotiation, that enlargement can proceed regardless of the Irish No-vote,` are doing themselves and democracy no favours.` On the contrary they continue to distance the EU institutions from the granular voters who in their large majority remain disinterested about whatever is happening in the transformation which Europe has to go through in order to undertake the next enlargement.

And local leaders who label the Irish as` selfish for rejecting the Nice Treaty ought to be better informed. The Irish did not vote against enlargement or for preservation of their current funding entitlement.` If any such criticism were to be due it ought to be directed to the Spanish government. The Irish voted against the imposition by the big countries on issues which are far more important than money.

And if the selfish label` suits anyone, it suits best whoever is trying to make Malta`s EU accession` fit within personal time-scales. This decision cannot be taken by the government. It must be taken by the people after there evolves greater convergence of the position of the two main political views to ensure that such irreversible decision is taken, if at all,` by a large majority. Forcing` a premature referendum on a split electorate is unnecessarily divisive and against the national interest of keeping options open to react as the EU structures will evolve in subsequent years.

Irish blessing

The Malta Independent on Sunday Irish blessing

The Irish rejection of the Nice Treaty could be a blessing for EU and applicant countries` in general and for Malta in particular.

It ought to send the EU`s enlargement project back to drawing board for re-design. It should send the message to the large countries that dominated Nice that they cannot have the cake and eat it. Pretending that through enlargement each country will preserve its sovereignty` whilst the big countries keep throwing up blue-prints versions of institutional arrangements ranging from federal, con-federal or loose inter-governmental union is just not on.

For Malta the Irish rejection should delay the enlargement process, making a risky pre-mature referendum during this legislature much less likely.

It is time for European leaders to look reality in the face. The next enlargement of the EU is like no other. It is a political project that will thoroughly overhaul the strategic landscape of the whole continent. This cannot be decided in a mode substantially detached from its people. It needs a wide preparatory campaign to explain the importance of the project to people of countries that` are already in, `as much as to those of countries that are aspiring to enter. It needs transparency and conviction that it can only be sustainable if based on sound democratic foundations and not on the Nice-style imposition of the big countries` stamping their will on the nascent world power.

Domestically our leaders have to come to terms with the reality of our being a small island nation in the southern periphery of the continent and we ought not to be rushed into an unknown quantity which is still taking shape and form.` No personal agenda of any leader must be allowed to dictate the time-frames for going about our European vocation.

The Irish rejection need not de-rail the enlargement project. But it clearly slows it down to permit the creation of the necessary` awareness of the project benefits at the granular level inside the EU. It needs thorough reform of the institutions before serious talks about enlargement with candidate countries can come to sustainable fruition.

Nice has shown that the next enlargement cannot be driven by countries with vested interest to protect their influence. It must be driven by a Commission commanding the democratic credentials it presently lacks.` Rather than having the Commission sidelined as it was at Nice,` the Commission must earn its democratic respect to be in a position to force member countries into making sustainable and sensible compromises.

Which means that sooner or later it has to be accepted that the simultaneous widening and deepening of the EU is elusive and unattainable. The EU must offer prospective members flexibility to move towards membership at their own steam respecting the realities in their particular countries.`

Such a flexible approach, whilst delaying the integration to much longer time-scales, will ensure that the head that runs the EU never gets detached from the body of peoples that compose the EU.

The Irish rejection did not over-joy me for seeing another obstacle on the road to enlargement. In the end enlargement and integration of the European continent is very much in Malta`s own interest.` But it gave me satisfaction that the country which is often referred to as the role-model within the EU told them what it thinks of the Nice Treaty in no uncertain terms.

And those European Leaders and Commissioners who pretend that the Irish rejection is a non-event, that the Irish can` be forced to accept the Treaty without any serious re-negotiation, that enlargement can proceed regardless of the Irish No-vote,` are doing themselves and democracy no favours.` On the contrary they continue to distance the EU institutions from the granular voters who in their large majority remain disinterested about whatever is happening in the transformation which Europe has to go through in order to undertake the next enlargement.

And local leaders who label the Irish as` selfish for rejecting the Nice Treaty ought to be better informed. The Irish did not vote against enlargement or for preservation of their current funding entitlement.` If any such criticism were to be due it ought to be directed to the Spanish government. The Irish voted against the imposition by the big countries on issues which are far more important than money.

And if the selfish label` suits anyone, it suits best whoever is trying to make Malta`s EU accession` fit within personal time-scales. This decision cannot be taken by the government. It must be taken by the people after there evolves greater convergence of the position of the two main political views to ensure that such irreversible decision is taken, if at all,` by a large majority. Forcing` a premature referendum on a split electorate is unnecessarily divisive and against the national interest of keeping options open to react as the EU structures will evolve in subsequent years.

Paljazzi pappgalli u ekujiet

Il-Kullhadd Paljazzi, pappagalli u ekujiet

Fil-parlament il-Prim Ministru qajjem ksur ta` privilegg kontra One News talli uza it-terminu paljazzi fil-konfront ta` l-erba persuni li rrezenjaw mill-Kummissjoni Elettorali meta fil-fatt il-Prim Ministru kien irrefera ghalihom bhala pappagalli u ekujiet.

L-iSpeaker tal-Kamra ta ragun lil Prim Ministru u qal li prima facie jezisti kaz ta` ksur ta` privilegg.

One News mal-ewwel hargu korrezzjoni u qalu li fil-fatt il-Prim Ministru ma kienx uzu t-terminu paljazzi izda pappagalli u ekujiet u t-terminu paljazzi kien intuza mill-Kap ta` l-Oppozizzjoni meta fid-dimostrazzjoni tas-7 ta` Gunju staqsa jekk l-erba kummissarju li ma rrezenjawx u l-Kap Kummissarju elettorali allura` humiex , bl-istess ragunar tal-Prim Ministru, paljazzi u pappagalli tal-Partit Nazzjonalista.

Il-bicca qeghda f`dan l-istat izda ta min jislet riflessjoni dwarha. Il-fatt li bi zball genwin One News uza l-kelma paljazzi flok pappagalli huwa daqstant serju li kien hemm bzonn li jitqajjam kaz ta` ksur ta` privilegg fil-parlament`

F`termini fugurattivi it-termini paljazzi u pappagalli mhux imbeghdin wisq minn xulxin. Ifissru bejn wiehed w`iehor l-istess haga u d-differenza hija biss fl-intensita tal-grad tat-tifsira. Pappagall figurattivament ifisser li wiehed ihalli lilu nnfisu jintuza biex jesprimi dak li jrid jghid haddiehor. Li wiehed jghid mhux dak li jahseb hu izda dak li jkun issugerilu haddiehor. Paljazza huwa xi hadd li jhallu lilu nnifsu jintuza b`mod aktar generali tant li jsir bicca tal-platti f`idejn min qed juzah.

It-tnejn ifissru li xi hadd ma ghandux il-liberta` li jopera b`mod awtonomu izda qieghed hemm biex iservi l-interessi ta` terzi li joqghod jigbed l-ispag kif ikun hemm bzonn. Mhux il-kaz li z-zewg termini ghandhom sens oppost min xulxin. Mhux il-kaz per ezempju li l-Prim Ministru qal li xi hadd huwa anglu u One News irraportaw minflok li qal li huwa xitan.` Mhux il-kaz li prim Ministru qal li xi hadd hi vergni u One News qal li hi prostituta.

Allura x`wassal biex ikun hemm din ir-rejazzjoni daqstant ezagerata li sahansitra wasslet lil Prim Ministru jqajjem kaz ta` ksur ta` privilegg` Ma kienx ikun bizzejjed li kieku l-Prim Ministru talab lil One News korrezzjoni`

Jien ma ghandix risposta ghal dawn il-mistoqsijiet izda nahseb li din ir-rejazzjoni ezagerata hija sintomu tal-paniku li jinsab fih il-Prim Minsitru waqt li jara s-sitwazzjoni ekonomika tal-pajjiz tiggrava u jara l-medicina tas-soltu fiducja fiducja u flus mhux problema ma ghadiex tahdem biex tindirizza il-problemi tal-pajjiz.

Ghalhekk f`cirkostanzi bhal dawn taqbad ma kull tibna biex tiddevja l-attenzjoni mid-disfatti li tkun qed tiffaccja.`

Aktar igieghlni nahseb dan meta nara li dan il-kaz qam propju waqt li kien qed isir sforz ta medjazzjoni dwar il-kwistjoni tal-Kummisjoni Elettorali u wara d-disfatta tar-referendum fl-Irlanda` u rejazzjoni qawwija tal-Prim Minsitru li sejjah lill-Irlandiza bhal selfish.

Allahares fil-pajjiz naslu ghal sitwazzjoni fejn l-istampa trid toqghod bil-pinna u bil-klamar tuza ezatt ezatt l-istess kliem li jkun intqal ghax certament nkunu qed inxekklu l-liberta` ta` l-istampa.` Allahares noqghodu nifthu libelli u kaz ta` ksur ta privileggi ghal affarijiet daqstant insinjifikanti ghax kieku l-organi amminsitrattivi tal-pajjiz jiggammjaw.

Ftit hdud ilu kien il-Prim Minsitru stess li f`konferenza politika ghogbu jghawweg kliemi. Qal li jien ghedt li Malta fl-Unjoni Ewropeja ma tkunx intitolata ghal fondi. Jien mhux hekk ghedt.` Ghedt li hemm dubju kbir dwar kemm Malta tkun intitolata ghal fondi ta` Objective One meta tidhol, dwar kemm se jkunu dawn il-fondi u li wara kollox irid isir kalkolu sew dwar dak li se nhallsu mhux biss dak li ser nircievu.

Nahseb li din kienet aktar serja milli tuza t-terminu paljazza flok pappagall.` Izda jien ma ftahtx libell.` Ghamilt kjarifika f`artiklu li ktibt u daqshekk.` Kieku noqghod naghmel il-libelli nista` mmur nghix il-qorti. L-aqwa arma mhux il-libelli u privileggi. Dawn jintuzaw biex ixekklu l-liberta` ta` l-istampa specjalment meta jintuzaw minn nies li ghandhom access shih ghal media biex jiccaraw il-pozizzjoni taghhom. L-aqwa arma hija l-perswazjoni u l-perseveranza biex tikteb dak li tahseb u temmen minghajr biza` jew suggettivita`.

Hemm bzonn li jonqsu l-paljazzi, l-pappagalli u l-ekujiet u jkollna stampa aktar objettiva li filwaqt li jkollha l-linja editorjali taghha,` ma tbieghx ruhha tant li tati interpretazzjoni ta` l-affarijiet ghal kollox dipendenti minn skond min ikun fil-gvern. Nista nghid li f`One News dan huwa kredu li nemmnu fih.

Sunday, 10 June 2001

The great pretender

Il-Kullhadd The great pretender

Il-Prim Ministru` pubblikament wera li ma qabilx mal-great pretender talli dan` esprima l-ambizzjoni li jehodlu postu.

The great pretender ghandu habta li meta ma jkollux argumenti biex jirribatti akkuzi li sarulu jipprova jizgicca billi jirrispondi b`akkuzi ivvintati li tal-Labour ghamlu aghar.` Hekk rega ghamel dan l-ahhar meta ghal mistoqsija parlamentari dwar il-process ta` privatizzazzjoni li ghaddej fil-Kordin Grain Terminal l- great pretender irrisponda testwalment kif gej:

Il-privatizzazzjoni ghall-hbieb saru mill-Gvern Laburista meta:


ta letter of intent esklussiva lill-Port of Singapore` biex jaghtihom it-tmexxija tal-Port Hieles.` Dan sar permezz ta` erba hbieb li diga ssemmew u li kienu qed jaghmluha ta` brokers.


Il-privatizzazzjoni skandaluza tal-Maltacom fejn gew mahruga ishma bearer barra minn Malta.` Ghalekmm intalbet spjegazzjoni kemm il-darba dwar il-htiega ta` dawn l-ishma bearer barranin, il-Prim Ministry ta` dak iz-zmien u l-gurus li kienu jorganizzaw din il-manuvra finanzjarja ma tawx twegiba u spjegazzjoni.` Wiehed jista` jahseb li dan seta` sar biex xi hbieb jinghataw preferenza f`din il-privatizzazzjoni bl-irhis fuq ohrajn billi juzaw il-flus li kellhom mohbija barra.

Billi jien kont involut fiz-zewg operazzjonijiet u billi nifhem li l-great pretender qed jirreferi ghalija meta jghid guru allura nirrispondih biex ma nhallihx jistenna.` Kieku tkellem qabel kont nirrispondih qabel ghalkemm perzwaz li dan li ser nghid ghedtlu diversi drabi qabel pubblikament

Mhux minnu li l-Gvern Laburista ta` xi letter of intent lil Port Authority ta` Singapore (PSA) jew lil xi hadd iehor biex imexxi l-Freeport.` Nisfida lill-great pretender biex jippublika xi document bhal dan. Gvern laburista ta permess lil PSA biex jaghmlu analizi dettaljata dwar l-operat tal-Freeport biex wara li jsir dan l-ezami jibdew negozjati, u dan bla rbit ta` xejn minn qabel, biex jaraw jaslux f`xi ftehim dwar it-tmexxija tal-Freeport mill-PSA.` Ghal min ma jafx il-PSA hija l-ikbar operatur tal-portijiet fid-dinja u l-prezenza taghhom kienet tkun garanzija ta` xoghol u serjeta` ghal Freeport. Ghal min ma jafx wara li ghamlu dan l-ezami jidher li ma hargux sodisfatti b`li sabu ghax avzaw lil gvern ( li allura kien lahaq inbidel) xott xott li ma kienux aktar interessati.

Mhux minnu li kien hemm xi brokers fin-nofs. Kien hemm erba min-nies serjissimi li kienu inkwetati bil-mod kif il-Freeport kien qed jitmexxa u li kienu hajjru lil PSA ihares lejn Malta. U dawn l-erba min-nies ma kienux laburisti. Kienu nies serji inkwetati li l-Freeport kien u ghadu` qed jitmexxa qisu negozju tal-familja flok intrapriza nazzjonali.

Biex insemmi wiehed biss minn dawn l-erba` nsemmi lil Gorg Borg ex-principal tal-great pretender fil-Bluenell li jista jikkonfermalu li qatt ma kien broker.

Rigward il-Maltacom il-great pretender imissu jaf ahjar. Meta gvern laburista ried ibiegh 40% tal-Maltacom bi prezz ta` Lm36 miljun` kien car ghal kullhadd li biex dan il-prezz jingieb bilfors kellna nduru ghas-swieq internazzjonali. Is-swieq maltin ma kienux u ghad m`humux kbar bizzejjed biex jipprocessaw issue bhal din u kieku morna biss fuq is-suq lokali zgur ma konniex ingibu il-prezz li gibna, prezz li ghal sitt xhur shah wara gejna kritikati minn stockbrokers maltin li beghna wisq bil-ghali.

Ma ridnix nhallu is-swieq lokali barra u ghalhekk morna nofs b`nofs. Issa l-great pretender missu jaf li ghalkemm Lm20 miljun huma flus kbar ghas-suq malti fis-swieq inetrnazzjonali dan huwa ammont wisq zghir biex tmur taghmel direct listing. Dan il-parir gie kemm mill-HSBC li l-great pretender jafhom sew u minn kull bank iehor li kkonsultajna. Kellna bilfors immorru ghal ghal Global Depositary Receipts fejn `l-ishma jkunu registrati kollha f`isem bank internazzjonali ( f`dan il-kaz il-Bank of New York) u jkun dan il-bank li jkun jaf min huma l-investituri. Ma kienx jezisti mod iehor prattiku li naccessaw is-swieq internazzjonali b`din il-floatation tal-Maltacom. Jekk mhux hekk kien irid jinbiegh biss fis-suq zghir Malti u dan b`dannu ghal prezz tal-bejgh u ghalhekk tal-poplu malti kollu.

Izda minn kienu l-investituri tal-bidu kienu jafu kullhadd ghax tant kien hemm domanda akbar milli hsibna ghal ishma mis-suq internazzjonali li bl-ghajnuna ta` l-HSBC kellna naraw isem isem biex naghzlu l-ahjar fost l-ahjar.` Issa jekk wara dawn bieghux lil ohrajn jew qed izommuhom bhala nomiees ma ghandu x` jaqsam xejn. Dan jista jsir anke fix-shares li johorgu fis-suq Malti. Nistieden lil min irid idur` sew ir-registru tas-shareholders tal-kumpaniji fil-borza u jsib kemm irid shares registrati f`isem kumpaniji li x-shareholders taghhom huma nominees jew banek li qed izommuhom bhala nominees. Mela neta jghid li beghnihom bearer biex nghinu `l hbieb il-great pretender irid iqarraq u jaf li dan mhux minnu.

Jien irrisipondtejtu.` Izda hu qatt ma rrisponda ghala fil-kalkoli li jghid li ghamel hu fil-bejgh tal-Mid-Med Bank dahhal risk premium ta` 6% biex baxxa il-prezz bin-nofs.` X`inhu jistenna biex iwiegeb dwar` haga cara li grat u mhux jiskepula fuq affarijiet li ma grawx.` Jaghmel kalkolu zghir il-great pretender.` Ta` 40% tal-Maltacom li kienet ghadha titwieled u taghmel qliegh ta` Lm2 miljuni gvern laburista dahhal Lm36 miljun u ppregja bil-kbir is-60% li l-gvern fadallu f`idejh. Ta` 70% tal-Mid-Med li kien jaghmel qliegh ta` Lm15 il-miljun il-poplu malti dahhal biss Lm74 miljun u f`idejh ma fadallu xejn!

Alfred Mifsud

Sunday, 3 June 2001

e-government democracy

The Malta Independent on Sunday E-government democracy

Over 40 companies divided into 16 different consortia expressed their interest in engaging in a strategic partnership with the Maltese Government to attain an e-Government. Speaking at the official announcement of the companies that submitted their proposals, Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said he was honored to have received serious proposals from huge companies like Microsoft, KPMG, Pricewaterhouse Coopers and Compaq. `Such companies would not have expressed their interest if they did not have great confidence in the Maltese Government`. At a time when tech companies are struggling to come to terms with industry` over-capacity it is small wonder that most big names would be interested in providing e-government solutions.` But what happened to this nation`s priorities`

It is` right that we dream, design and plan electronic solutions to the ordinary needs of citizens when they interact with government.` But must this take priority over the right of ordinary citizens in being given an integral electoral process ensuring that they would interact with a government which they have chosen democratically`

Whilst we pretend to have full democratic credentials yet it is an undeniable fact that in five out of the last nine elections the will of the electorate expressed through the ballot box has not been properly executed.

A walk down memory lane is essential.` The elections of 1962 and 19966 were flawed by the imposition of mortal sin on any voter who opted for Labour. Anyone under 40 would probably think that this is a joke but for those who lived through these times it still carries a bitter after taste.` Belatedly the local` church authorities had the courage to offer apologies to those who suffered this political discrimination, those you were denied ordinary church services because of their political beliefs. To those who were condemned to hell by mortals whilst the Eternal Almighty rewarded the honesty and generosity of their heart in holding on to the principles of social democracy.

It is indicative of the absence of true democratic credentials that the Nationalist Party, the principal beneficiary and overt supporter of this gross religious and undemocratic interference in the electoral process, never found the internal courage to emulate the Church Authoirties and publicly apoligise to the Maltese electorate.

The 1981 election again returned a result which was effectively a travesty of the real underlying will of the electorate. But at least the beneficiaries of such travesty had the decency to change the electoral process rules in a way which restored basic democracy to the subsequent results of the 1987 and 1996 elections. Without these changes the basic will of the electorate would have been denied also in the elections of 1987 and 1996.

The 1996 and 1998 elections also returned defective results. Tampering with district boundaries meant that a Labour majority of 2 seats in 1996 was effectively reduced to 1 whilst nationalist majority of 3 seats in 1998 was effectively increased to 5.

So in five out of the last elections the result did not mirror the honest and true democratic will of the electorate and in four out of these five occasions the` beneficiary was the Nationalist Party. In the only occasion when the system short-changed the Nationalist Party they rendered this country practically ungovernable through social boycotts and pacific and not so pacific resistance. It was the time when every week a bomb or other politically motivated crime occurred without the perpetrators ever being caught.

It is only the media support and effective PR skills which manage to hide these unquestionable facts and depict the Nationalist Party as the true defender of democracy.`

Now that we are past the half way mark of this legislature and the specter of new elections starts appearing on the horizon, now that we are living in the 21st century and that we are being promised the electronic solution of` e-government, I would have though that this country would never have to go through the agony again of having the opposition party claiming undemocratic tampering in the electoral process.

Yet what is the current situation The electoral boundaries which short-changed Labour in the elections of 1996 and 1998 have not only not been redressed but have been rendered more one-sided. If you need just one example just see the attachment of Mdina to the 7th district which was stripped off Qrendi. But more serious than that we have a situation where the supposedly autonomous Electoral Commission has lost control over the integrity of the electoral register.

How can a country planning e-government allow itself to get in this situation when it knows that elections here` are decided by a handful of votes and the electoral process must be accurate right to the farthest digit after the point` How can we have a situation when the majority of our identity cards, an indispensable link in the integrity of the electoral process, are long expired and we have no effective means to control the residency status of people on the register` How can we be generous with offering dual citizenship which opens the door to addition of thousands of new voters, if we don`t simultaneously introduce the mechanisms to ensure that the beneficiaries of such dual citizenship also pass the residency criteria which are linked to the right to vote`

Whilst e-government is essential and could one day itself be a solution to providing a fair and democratic electoral process, priorities demand that we find urgent, practical and real solutions to restore integrity to the basic rule of democracy ` the facility of the electorate to choose a government in a free fair and transparent manner.

e-government democracy

The Malta Independent on Sunday E-government democracy

Over 40 companies divided into 16 different consortia expressed their interest in engaging in a strategic partnership with the Maltese Government to attain an e-Government. Speaking at the official announcement of the companies that submitted their proposals, Justice and Local Government Minister Austin Gatt said he was honored to have received serious proposals from huge companies like Microsoft, KPMG, Pricewaterhouse Coopers and Compaq. `Such companies would not have expressed their interest if they did not have great confidence in the Maltese Government`. At a time when tech companies are struggling to come to terms with industry` over-capacity it is small wonder that most big names would be interested in providing e-government solutions.` But what happened to this nation`s priorities`

It is` right that we dream, design and plan electronic solutions to the ordinary needs of citizens when they interact with government.` But must this take priority over the right of ordinary citizens in being given an integral electoral process ensuring that they would interact with a government which they have chosen democratically`

Whilst we pretend to have full democratic credentials yet it is an undeniable fact that in five out of the last nine elections the will of the electorate expressed through the ballot box has not been properly executed.

A walk down memory lane is essential.` The elections of 1962 and 19966 were flawed by the imposition of mortal sin on any voter who opted for Labour. Anyone under 40 would probably think that this is a joke but for those who lived through these times it still carries a bitter after taste.` Belatedly the local` church authorities had the courage to offer apologies to those who suffered this political discrimination, those you were denied ordinary church services because of their political beliefs. To those who were condemned to hell by mortals whilst the Eternal Almighty rewarded the honesty and generosity of their heart in holding on to the principles of social democracy.

It is indicative of the absence of true democratic credentials that the Nationalist Party, the principal beneficiary and overt supporter of this gross religious and undemocratic interference in the electoral process, never found the internal courage to emulate the Church Authoirties and publicly apoligise to the Maltese electorate.

The 1981 election again returned a result which was effectively a travesty of the real underlying will of the electorate. But at least the beneficiaries of such travesty had the decency to change the electoral process rules in a way which restored basic democracy to the subsequent results of the 1987 and 1996 elections. Without these changes the basic will of the electorate would have been denied also in the elections of 1987 and 1996.

The 1996 and 1998 elections also returned defective results. Tampering with district boundaries meant that a Labour majority of 2 seats in 1996 was effectively reduced to 1 whilst nationalist majority of 3 seats in 1998 was effectively increased to 5.

So in five out of the last elections the result did not mirror the honest and true democratic will of the electorate and in four out of these five occasions the` beneficiary was the Nationalist Party. In the only occasion when the system short-changed the Nationalist Party they rendered this country practically ungovernable through social boycotts and pacific and not so pacific resistance. It was the time when every week a bomb or other politically motivated crime occurred without the perpetrators ever being caught.

It is only the media support and effective PR skills which manage to hide these unquestionable facts and depict the Nationalist Party as the true defender of democracy.`

Now that we are past the half way mark of this legislature and the specter of new elections starts appearing on the horizon, now that we are living in the 21st century and that we are being promised the electronic solution of` e-government, I would have though that this country would never have to go through the agony again of having the opposition party claiming undemocratic tampering in the electoral process.

Yet what is the current situation The electoral boundaries which short-changed Labour in the elections of 1996 and 1998 have not only not been redressed but have been rendered more one-sided. If you need just one example just see the attachment of Mdina to the 7th district which was stripped off Qrendi. But more serious than that we have a situation where the supposedly autonomous Electoral Commission has lost control over the integrity of the electoral register.

How can a country planning e-government allow itself to get in this situation when it knows that elections here` are decided by a handful of votes and the electoral process must be accurate right to the farthest digit after the point` How can we have a situation when the majority of our identity cards, an indispensable link in the integrity of the electoral process, are long expired and we have no effective means to control the residency status of people on the register` How can we be generous with offering dual citizenship which opens the door to addition of thousands of new voters, if we don`t simultaneously introduce the mechanisms to ensure that the beneficiaries of such dual citizenship also pass the residency criteria which are linked to the right to vote`

Whilst e-government is essential and could one day itself be a solution to providing a fair and democratic electoral process, priorities demand that we find urgent, practical and real solutions to restore integrity to the basic rule of democracy ` the facility of the electorate to choose a government in a free fair and transparent manner.


Il-Kullhadd Anti-demokratici

Wahda mill-aktar affarijiet li tkiddni hija li l-media taghna ma kienetx effettiva bizzejjed tul is-snin biex tesponi lin-nazzjonalisti ta` anti-demokratici li verament huma.

B`kitbieti dan l-ahhra qed niffoka biex inkisser din l-awra fittizja` li bnew tul is-snin in-nazzjonalisti, mghejjuna mil-qarnita tal-poter li tikkontrolla hafna mill-media, bhal li kieku n-nazzjonalisti huma xi difensuri kbar tad-demokrazija.

Din gidba hoxna u bil-provi.

Jien niftakar kull elezzjoni li saret mill-1962 `l hawn. 9 elezzjonijet b`kollox. Tat-62, 66, 71, 76, 81, 87, 92, 96, 98.

Hamsa minn dawn id-disa elezzjonijiet kienu b`mod jew iehor ivvizjati.` Ha nsemmuhom. Tat-62 u tas-66 kienu elezzjonijiet taht il-piena tad-dnub il-mejjet ghal kull min jazzarda jivvota Labour. Hafna nies taht 40 jahsbu li din xi cajta. Ma jistghux jimmaginaw it-tbatija u s-sofferenzi li ghaddew minnhom il-laburisti f`dawk iz-zminijiet fejn id-demokrazija marret tpoggi bil-qeghda fuq is-siggu fir-rokna fil-filliera ta` wara.

Li dawn kienu zminijiet tad-dlam illum jammettih kullhadd. Sahansitra il-Knisja kellha l-umilta` li titlob skuza ta` l-ghemil zbaljat taghha.` Izda, n-Nazzjonalisti, li l-aktar li gawdew minn dan it-tradiment tad- demokrazija billi rebhu zewg elezzjonijiet li ma kienux gusti u demokratici, qatt ma hassew il-bzonn li jaghmlu apologija lil poplu Malti.

Mhux talli hekk talli llum jippozaw ta` xi professuri fid-demokrazija. Fenech Adami, il-lum Prim Ministru li jippretendi li huwa xi salvutur tad-demokrazija f`pajjizna, dak iz-zmien kellu kariga gholja fil-partit. Kien partecipi shih fit-tradiment tad-demokrazija tas-snin sittin.` Izda donnu li hadd m`ghadu nteressat jiftakar x`gara fis-sittinijiet.

Wara zewg elezzjonijiet li taw rizultat dritt ergajna ghal elezzjoni vvizjata ta` l-1981. Hawn in-nazzjonalisti sabu ruhhom` minn taht. Ghal darba bdew iduqu il-medicina li kienu dewwqu lil haddiehor.

Flok accettaw is-sitwazzjoni bhal ma ghamel il-Partit Laburista tas-sittinijiet, in-nazzjonalisti rrendew il-pajjiz ingovernabbli. Ma dahlux il-parlament, organizzaw boycotts socjali, u f`daqqa wahda pajjizna ntlaqat minn mewga ta` bombi u atti kriminali ohra li kollha kellhom xamma politika biex il-pajjiz jigi destabilizzat.

Il-partit laburista ta` prova tal-kredenzjali demokratici tieghu meta biddel il-kostizzjoni halli dak li gara fl-1981 ma jergax jigri. Wara zewg elezzjoniet normali ohra rega kellna elezzjoni vvizzjata.

Fl-1996 il-partit laburista rebah b`margni ta` aktar minn zewg kwoti. Dan suppost ta maggoranza ta` 3 siggijiet fil-palament.` Izda bit-tbazwir tad-distretti il-maggoranza laburista kienet biss ta` siggu wiehed .` Irrizulta li din il-maggoranza zghira ma kienetx bizzejjed biex il-gvern laburista itul.

Fl-1998 mil-gdid rizultat ivvizjat meta n-nazzjonaliti gabu maggoranza ta` hames siggijiet minnkejja li kellhom biss ftit aktar minn 3 kwoti vantagg. Mela bi 8000 vot vantagg il-Labour kellu siggu wiehed maggoranza filwaqt li n-nazzjonalisti bi 13000 vot vantagg hadu` maggoranza ta` 5 siggijiet.

Il-fatti huma li minn 9 elezzjonijiet fl-ahhar 40 sena, hamsa minnhom kellhom rizultat ivvizjat u minn dawn il-hamsa erba kienu favur il-Partit Nazzjonalista.

Issa bdejna millenju gdid.` Wiehed kien jahseb li kbirna, tghallimna u mmaturajna. Izda in-Nazzjonalisti ghadhom li kienu.` Ghal poter jghamlu kollox. Ergajna qed naraw manuvri biex il-process elettorali jkun vvizzjat. Dan biss jistghu ikunu l-mottivi ghala ghandna Identity Cards kollha skaduti u ghandna sitwazzjoni fejn il-Kummissjoni Elettorali tilfet il-kontroll fuq l-integrita` tar-registru elettorali.

Ghal darba ohra in-nazzjonalisti qed juri l-istoffa anti-demokratika li minnha huma mfassla.` Filwaqt li jibqghu jippuzaw ta` professuri tad-demokrazija jittradixxuha fl-aktar bazi taghha.

Alfred Mifsud

Friday, 1 June 2001