Monday 7 April 2003

Just do It


I give full credit to NIKE for the title. But it is appropriate to use it for this last contribution before the election because this is the time to just do it. There comes a time when the thinking has to stop and decisions must be taken. And we are now at this point.

I therefore appeal to you to just do it and vote Labour. For those who are still in doubt I explain why you should do it. Let`s start by default and give you three reasons why you should not vote PN.

Reason No 1 - EU

`The MLP will be able to negotiate a much better package and has explicitly agreed to put it for a specific referendum to choose between the PN`s package and its own negotiated package.` Even if you are the most fervent supporter of EU membership you should not vote PN.` The terms negotiated for our entry are loaded against us. The MLP will be able to negotiate a much better package and has explicitly agreed to put it for a specific referendum to choose between the PN`s package and its own negotiated package.

Don`t believe that if we do not sign on April 16th we will miss the last train to heaven.` On the contrary we would have spared ourselves a sure passage to hell as on the terms negotiated this country will be destined for at least 10 years of very painful adjustment which will shock our economy and tear apart our social fabric to the detriment of the least favoured in our society.

We will decide on whether we should join in membership or go for partnership when both packages are available, when we know the shape and form of the new EU constitution, and in good time to make it to the next enlargement in 2007 if we should collectively so decide.

Reason No 2 - Arrogance

`Can you imagine this country being run by these same arrogant heads who have been in government for 16 years and seem to expect that they have an eternal right to stay in power` Can you imagine this country being run by these same arrogant heads who have been in government for 16 years and seem to expect that they have an eternal right to stay in power using our own tax money (resulting in an exploded deficit and national debt) to gain privileged support from whoever has influence in our society including the media, the intelligentsia, the church, the business organisations etc etc `

Can you conscientiously accept for such scandals as the sale of HSBC, Daewoo, presidential pardons and easy escapes to drug barons remaining covered and shrouded in obscurity which can only increase through the passage of time`

Reason No 3 - Collapse

`Just look at the environmental mess presented by the Maghtab and Kortin dump sites, by the environmental pollution generated by the Marsa power station` This country cannot take a further five years of expenditure largesse PN style. They think you can solve any problem by throwing money at it irresponsibly, getting the media to say that the problem is being properly addressed when the reality is that under the surface sugar coating the problem keeps festering until its presents a cancerous monster for our society.` Just look at the environmental mess presented by the Maghtab and Kortin dump sites, by the environmental pollution generated by the Marsa power station and the chaotic traffic situation.` Just look at the debt mountain which threatens to bury us all when the financial foundations will not be able to take on the load of much further debt.

And now I give you just one more reason why you should positively vote Labour.

Simply look at our manifesto packed with concrete proposals for improving the situation and quality of life for each and every sector of Maltese society, animals included.` We mean to just do it.` No more talking about it. No more expensive report writing and hiding behind committees and consultants. It is time for action.` In many instances it will work.` Where it doesn`t we will just try something else because the world moves to fast to be accommodated by endless empty talk and theoretical reports.

Labour will just do it!

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